What’s in a Label? Rethinking “Benign Ethnic Neutropenia” By Stephen Hibbs My primary research focuses on sickle cell disease, using…
Artificial Intelligence, the NHS, and Navigating the Path to Net Zero By Duncan Reynolds Duncan Reynolds questions whether the environmental…
Imposter Participants Are Compromising Qualitative Research By Becca Muir When recruiting study volunteers online, how can researchers deal with participants…
How does the body contribute to people’s decisions about whether to go and see the doctor? By Meredith Hawking Our…
2024 Conference Round-Up By Stephen Hibbs, Nina Fudge, Deborah Swinglehurst, and Duncan Reynolds Stephen, Nina, Deborah, and Duncan write about…
What’s the trouble in medication reviews? By Nina Fudge Our study on medication reviews in older adults revealed that despite…
Evidence on weight stigma is submitted to Food, Diet, and Obesity Committee By Rebecca Muir The House of Lords Food,…